Well, here we are: Yesterday marked our one-year anniversary of leaving California for our round-the-world trip. Unfortunately, we did come home a few weeks early (read about our return journey here, if you missed it), but we still got 350 days of traveling under our belt, so we really can’t complain!
Here’s a snapshot of our 50 weeks on the road, by the numbers:

(the other was Petra in Jordan)
117 beds slept in (only actual beds–not counting boats, overnight trains, buses, airport chairs, etc.)
63 UNESCO World Heritage Sites
56 passport stamps
38 countries (including our home country, the USA)
28 currencies
8 visas (thankful for our passport privilege)
6 Wonders of the World (4 Ancient … at least what’s left of them; 2 Modern)
5 continents (just barely, thanks to Colombia and Egypt)

45 airports (including layovers)
40 intercity buses (including 2 overnight buses)
24 trains (including 4 overnight trains)
24 local metro systems
19 boats (including 1 night sleeping on an open-air deck)
18 tuk tuks, scooter taxis and Jeeps!
17 days we walked more than 10 miles
6 rental cars
4 funiculars
3 bicycle rentals
2 motorbike rentals

30 free walking tours
19 food, wine, brandy, coffee and/or tea tours (including 1 cooking class)
8 national libraries (and plenty of non-national libraries, don’t you worry)
7 visitors traveled from the U.S. to meet us (thanks, fam!)
4 McDonald’s (ha–we don’t visit McDonald’s 4x/year in the U.S.!)
3 stand up paddleboards
3 kayaks
2 professional football (soccer) matches
1 hot air balloon ride

Personal Care
33 laundry loads (in an actual washing machine; not counting washing our clothes in a sink or bathtub)
26 days: Longest time without doing laundry (between Tirana, Albania, and Nuwara Eliya, Sri Lanka)
25 pounds lost (Jonathan only!)
23 gyms visited (again, Jonathan only!)
9 days: Longest time without a shower (while camping in Costa Rica)
6 animals pooped on us (5 birds & 1 monkey!)
2 backpacks (see Megan’s packing list here and Jonathan’s here)
1 haircut (Jonathan cut Megan’s hair in Liechtenstein)

103,73 photos*
501 videos*
174 Instagram posts from Megan (@megtristao)
98 Instagram posts from Jonathan (@jtristao17)
96 blog posts (published from the road)
*Numbers for Megan’s iPhone only

Read Around the World
Megan read 105 books, including 11 audiobooks
– 31 of these titles were inspired by places we visited on the trip
Jonathan read 25 books, including 10 audiobooks
*Check out our recommended reading lists from around the world!

Other things that added value to our trip but were simply too numerous to count: Dogs pet, bookstores visited, cups of coffee drank, local markets explored, postcards sent, tacos eaten, moments of awe experienced, beers/ciders enjoyed, temples visited, pretty doors admired and miles hiked.
Up next: We want to create some “best of” or “favorite” lists to share the highlights of our trip with y’all. For example, we’re working on lists for “Best Countries to Visit for Food,” “Favorite Small Cities,” etc. But we want to know: What lists do you want to see? Let us know in the comments! Thanks in advance.
Featured image: Sitting on a longtail boat on Cheow Lan Lake, Khao Sok National Park, Thailand

Above photo: Megan walking among the ruins of Sewu Temple at the Prambanan Temple Complex outside Yogyakarta, Indonesia
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