Megan loved the Balkan capitals of Zagreb, Sarajevo and Belgrade. In this post, she shares her appreciation for their quirks.
Author: Megan
Megan is a librarian by training, currently on a journey around the world with her husband, Jonathan. She enjoys visiting bookstores, libraries and coffeeshops while traveling.
How Much Does It Cost to Travel in Croatia & Montenegro for Two Weeks?
Our detailed budget breakdown for two weeks traveling in Croatia and Montenegro.
RTW Week 15: Belgrade & Budapest
Favorite moments and stats from the 15th week of our RTW trip.
Read Around the World: Colombia
A list of books set in Colombia and/or written by Colombian authors.
How Much Does It Cost to Travel in Portugal for Two Weeks?
Our detailed budget breakdown for two weeks in Portugal, including Porto, Lisbon and the Algarve.
RTW Week 14: Bosnia & Herzegovina
Favorite moments and stats from the 14th week of our RTW trip.
Photo Gallery: The Prettiest Street in San Miguel de Allende
Megan loved photographing the beautiful homes of San Miguel de Allende, Mexico. One street stood out above the rest.
RTW Week 13: Dubrovnik, Kotor & Mostar
Favorite moments and stats from the 13th week of our RTW trip.
Travel Guide to Porto & Gaia
Our recommendations for what to do, eat and see in Porto, Portugal.
Our Most Disappointing Experience So Far: Livraria Lello
Also known as: When Instagram (or Harry Potter) Ruins Travel.